Sumango Finance

by Sumango AS

Sumango offers free additional functionality for finance in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Sumango Finance is a free app that provides anyone working with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central tools and enhancements to work smarter and save time.

General Ledger Entries - Source Name field

Sometimes, small things can make a big difference. As an accountant, controller, or anyone analysing the details of your G/L, it's crucial to understand who you sell to or buy from. With this functionality, you can see the source name directly in G/L entries, including vendor, customer, and bank account names.

The New Source Name field is not only a visual advantage when reading data, but also available for filtering and sorting. For use in Analysis View and for export to excel.

The field is of course updated automatically when you enter new entries, but when you install the app, you can also choose to update values for historical transactions.

Try it now for free and continue to use it for free for as long as you want!

Supported Editions:

The app supports the Essentials and Premium Editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries:

All countries where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is available.

Supported Languages:

This app is available in English (United States) and Norwegian (Norway)

At a glance